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Output Shaft Bearing

1. Install a 13.65 mm (0.537 inch) and a 1.34 mm (0.053 inch) gauging shims on the planetary rear annulus gear hub, using grease to hold the shims in place. The 13.65 mm shim has a larger inside diameter and must be installed over the output shaft first. The 1.34 mm shim pilots on the output shaft.
2. Install output shaft gear and bearing assembly, torque to 271 Nm (200 ft. lbs.).
3. To measure bearing end play:
a. Attach Tool L-4432 to the output shaft gear.
b. Mount a steel ball with grease into the end of the output shaft.
c. Push and pull the gear while rotating back and forth to insure seating of the bearing rollers.
d. Using a dial indicator, mounted to the transaxle case, measure output shaft end play.

Output Shaft Bearing Shim:

4. Once bearing end play has been determined, refer to the output shaft bearing shim chart. Choose the required shim combination to obtain proper bearing setting.
a. The 12.65 mm (.498 inch), 13.15 mm (.518 inch) or 13.65 mm (.537 inch) shims are always installed first. These shims have lubrication slots which are necessary for proper bearing lubrication.
b. Shims thinner than 12.65 mm listed in the chart are common to both the transfer shaft and output shaft bearings.
5. Use Tool L-4424 to remove the retaining nut and washer. To remove the output shaft gear use Tool L-4407.
6. Remove the two gauging shims and install the proper shim combination, making sure to install the 12.65, 13.15, or 13.65 mm shim first. Use grease to hold the shims in place. Install the output shaft gear and bearing assembly.
7. Install the retaining nut and washer and torque to 271 Nm (200 ft. lbs.).
8. Using an inch-pound torque wrench, check the turning torque. The torque should be between 3 and 8 inch-pounds. If the turning torque is too high, install a 0.05mm (0.002 inch) thicker shim. If the turning torque is too low, install a 0.05 mm (0.002 inch) thinner shim. Repeat until the proper turning torque is 3 to 8 inch pounds.