Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Helpful Information

The Helpful Information section contains all of the basic information you will need to perform diagnostic tests using the DRBII.

- Begin by reading the Helpful Information section carefully and thoroughly.
- Included in the Helpful Information are several "HELP" subjects (see the Table of Contents). These provide important basic information about the DRBII, components, connectors, and safety. Reference is made to the HELPs within a test procedure when the information is required for correct performance of the test.

NOTE: Be sure to read HELP 5

- Safety Instructions very carefully before performing the test procedures.

Finding the cause of a vehicle fault is not always easy or quick. However, the diagnostic test procedures have been designed to lead you through the steps necessary to find the cause of a vehicle fault as easily and quickly as possible.

- The diagnostic test procedures contain step by step instructions for how to determine the cause of a vehicle fault. Possible sources of the fault are checked and eliminated one by one.
- The diagnostic tests include a schematic of the electrical circuitry for the system, and illustrations of the system components and connectors to clarify the test steps.
- For instructions on performing test procedures, see "Diagnostic Test Procedures" later in this section.

To successfully perform diagnostic testing, use the information and follow the procedures as presented.