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Starter Feed Circuit Test

NOTE: The following tests will require a suitable volt-ohmmeter tester.
1. Connect tester to battery terminals following manufacturers instructions.
2. Disable ignition system.
3. Ensure all electrical accessories are OFF, transmission in PARK or NEUTRAL and the parking brake is set.
4. Turn ignition switch to START position and observe tester.
5. If voltage reads above 9.6 volts and amperage draw reads above 250 amps, refer to STARTER FEED CIRCUIT RESISTANCE TEST and perform test.
6. If voltage reads 12.4 volts or more and amperage reads 0-10 amps, refer to STARTER CONTROL CIRCUIT TEST and perform test.
7. After starting system problems have been corrected, verify battery state of charge. Disconnect all testing equipment and connect ignition system. START vehicle several times to ensure that system is operating correctly.