Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Wipers Fail to Complete One Cycle When Turned on

Fig. 21 Body Controller 25-way Connector:

1. Verify that motor will park when switch is in Off position.
2. Set wiper control switch to maximum delay and allow motor to run until it stops during a wipe cycle then disconnect 25-Way (black) connector from body controller.
3. Connect positive lead of a voltmeter to pin 20 of black connector and negative lead to metal case of body controller.
4. If no voltage is present, check wiring for an open circuit.
5. If voltage is present, check for continuity between the following terminals of the body controller connector:
a. Between terminals 20 and 24.
b. Reverse ohmmeter leads then check between terminals 20 and 24.
6. If continuity does not exist between terminals 20 and 24 in both directions, replace body controller.