Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Flow of Diagnosis


1. Check that the air ducts and rods are not off.
2. Check that connectors are properly connected and fuses are not blown.
3. Using an analog voltmeter, check diagnosis outputs. It failure code is being output, check the failing system and repair as necessary. (Refer to Self Diagnosis Check How To Read and Clear Trouble Codes, Diagnosis Display Patterns and Codes.) Displaying & Reading Trouble Codes
4. If the diagnosis outputs are normal, check for terminal voltage or continuity with a circuit tester according to the troubleshooting chart by symptom. (Refer to Electronic Cloimate Control Module/Testing and Inspection/Procedures Terminal Voltages.) Testing and Inspection
5. In carrying out the troubleshooting procedure, first look up the Troubleshooting Quick-Reference Chart to know the inspection items and then start the inspection procedure.
6. When checking components, be sure to disconnect the connectors first.

1. 0 indicates the component requiring inspection (Numbers in 0 are the priority order.)
2. Use an analog voltmeter to check the control unit