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Rear Disc Brakes

The rear disc brakes are similar to front disc brakes, however, there are several distinctive features that require different service procedures. This single piston, floating caliper rear disc brake assembly includes a hub and bearing assembly, adapter, braking disc (rotor), caliper, shoes and linings. The parking brake system on all vehicles equipped with rear disc brakes, consists of a small duo-servo drum brake mounted to the caliper adapter. The drum brake shoes expand out against a braking surface (hat section) on the inside area of the rotor.

This vehicle is equipped with a caliper assembly that has a 36 mm (1.42 inch) piston and uses a 14 inch solid non-vented rotor.

The caliper assembly on all applications float on rubber bushings using internal metal sleeves which are attached to the adapter using threaded guide pin bolts.

Rear Disc Brake Assembly:

The adapter and disc shield are mounted to the rear suspension knuckles of vehicle. The adapter is used to mount the brake shoes and actuating cables for the parking brake system. The adapter also mounts the rear caliper assembly to the vehicle. The adapter has two machined abutments which are used to position and align the caliper and brake shoes for movement inboard and outboard.