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Overdrive and Reverse Clutch

Overdrive and Reverse Clutch

The Overdrive/Reverse (OD/REV) piston is between the input hub and the clutch retainer. This piston is unique in design for the following reasons:
- It operates two separate clutches
- It is located on the outside of the clutch retainer that houses the two clutches it operates

The overdrive clutch is splined to the overdrive hub assembly, and the overdrive hub is splined to the front carrier assembly. When the overdrive clutch is applied hydraulically, the front carrier assembly is an input to the planetary gear-set in third (direct) and fourth (overdrive) gear ranges. The reverse clutch is splined to the front sun gear assembly. When the reverse clutch is applied hydraulically, it drives the front sun gear which is the input to the planetary gear-set in reverse gear range.