Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.



NOTE: This procedure requires the compression of the rear suspension to ride height. A drive-on hoist should be used. If a drive-on hoist is not used, screw-style under-hoist jack stands are required to compress the rear suspension, facilitating rear halfshaft removal.

CAUTION: Never grasp halfshaft assembly by the inner or outer boots. Doing so may cause the boot to pucker or crease, reducing the service life of the boot and joint. Avoid over angulating or stroking the C/V joints when handling the halfshaft.

1. With vehicle in neutral, position and raise vehicle on hoist.
2. Using 14mm hex, remove axle drain plug (1) and drain rear axle fluid into container suitable for fluid reuse.
3. Install drain plug (1) and torque to 50 Nm (37 ft. lbs.) torque.
4. Remove the exhaust system . Removal

5. Apply alignment index marks (3) to the propeller shaft rubber coupler (1) and axle flange (2).

6. Remove three propeller shaft coupler(1)-to-axle flange (2) bolt/nuts.

NOTE: Do not damage the side seal, halfshaft slinger, and halfshaft boot.

7. Using suitable screwdriver (1), partially disengage halfshaft(s) (2) from axle assembly.

8. If a drive-on hoist is used, position transmission jack (1) to rear axle assembly. If a drive-on hoist is not used, compress rear suspension using screw-style under-hoist jack stands (2), then position transmission jack to rear axle assembly.

9. Remove rear axle forward mount isolator (1) bolt/nut (2).
10. Remove two rear axle-to-crossmember bolts (1).

11. Carefully lower rear axle. While lowering axle, separate propeller shaft from axle and support with suitable rope or wire (1).

12. Lower axle just enough to remove both halfshafts one at a time. Shift axle assembly in one direction, compressing one halfshaft while removing the other (1). Use caution to protect axle seal and journal.
13. Remove axle assembly from vehicle and transfer to bench.