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Float Level (Dry)

Fig. 5 Float adjustment:

Note: The dry float fuel level adjustment is a preliminary adjustment only. The final adjustment must be made after the carburetor is mounted on the engine.

1. Remove the air horn.
2. With float raised and fuel inlet needle seated, check distance between top surface of main body and top surface of float.
3. Take measurement at a point 1/8 inch from the free end of the float and 1/8 inch (5/16 inch metal float) in from side of float adjacent to inside wall of air horn.
- If cardboard gauge is used, place gauge in corner of the enlarged end section of fuel bowl as shown. The gauge should touch float near the end but not on the end radius, Fig. 5.

4. Depress the float tab to seat the fuel inlet needle. The float height is measured from the gasket surface of the main body with gasket removed. If necessary, bend float tab to bring setting within specified limits. This should provide the correct fuel level setting.