Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

System Diagnosis

Wipers Do Not Work In Any Position
1. Check for battery voltage as follows:
a. Unplug wiper motor and turn wiper switch to high position.
b. Check for battery voltage at circuits 63 and 56.
c. If there is voltage at both circuits, proceed to step 2.
d. If there is voltage at circuit 63 but not at 56, check for faulty governor or wiper switch, or open circuit at connector or in circuit 56.
e. If there is no voltage in either circuit, check for open circuit breaker in fuse panel, or open circuit in connector or circuit 63.
2. Ground wiper motor case to body ground. If motor runs, repair wiper motor ground wire, then proceed to step 3. If motor does not run, proceed to step 3.
3. Perform wiper motor current draw test as described further on. If current draw is not satisfactory, service or repair as necessary. If current draw is not satisfactory, service or repair as necessary. If current draw is satisfactory, check linkage.
Wipers Inoperative Or Erratic On Interval Or Low
1. Run wipers at high speed. If wipers hesitate when they pass through park position, proceed to step 2. Otherwise, proceed to step 3.
2. Check governor ground pigtail under mounting screw. If contact is good, governor is faulty. If contact is unsatisfactory, tighten governor mounting screws to improve ground.
3. Check circuit 58 for battery voltage as follows:
a. Unplug wiper motor and set wiper switch on low.
b. Check circuit 58 for battery voltage.
c. If there is battery voltage at circuit 58, check for faulty wiper motor and perform low speed current test under ``Troubleshooting.''
d. If there is no battery voltage at circuit 58, there is an open circuit in connector or circuit 58, or switch or governor is defective.
Wipers Run With Control Switch Turned Off
1. Unplug wiper control switch.
2. Turn ignition key to ``RUN.''
3. If wipers park, replace wiper control switch.
4. If wipers continue to run, governor or wiper motor is defective.

Fig. 1 Checking wiper motor operation:

Wipers Will Not Park
1. Stop wipers with ignition key so that they are not in park position.
2. Unplug wiper motor and connect jumpers to motor connector, Fig. 1.
3. If wipers park, there is an open circuit in connector, circuit 58, or circuit 28, or governor is defective.
4. If wipers do not park, replace wiper motor.

Wipers Do Not Run When Washer Switch Is Pulled
1. If wiper operation is satisfactory on ``INT'', ``LOW'', and ``HI'', replace governor.
2. If wiper operation is not satisfactory in all 3 modes, switch or governor is defective.