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Rotary Valve Centering Check

1. Install a 2000 psi pressure gauge in pressure line between pump outlet port and steering gear inlet port. Make sure that valve on gauge is in fully open position.
2. Check fluid level in reservoir and replenish as required.
3. Start engine and cycle steering wheel from stop-to-stop to bring steering lubricant up to normal operating temperature. Stop engine and recheck reservoir. Add fluid as necessary.
4. With engine running at a fast idle speed (1000 RPM) and steering wheel centered, attach an inch-pound torque wrench to steering wheel retaining nut. Apply sufficient torque to wrench in each direction (either side of center) to get a gauge reading of 250 psi.
5. The torque reading should be the same in both directions. If the difference between readings exceeds 4 inch lbs. on 1980 models, or 6 inch lbs. on 1981---87 models, remove steering gear from vehicle and replace shaft and control assembly. The ``out-of-vehicle'' procedure for centering check is the same as for the ``in-vehicle'' except the torque and simultaneous pressure reading must be made at the right and left stops instead of either side of center.