Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


IDENTIFICATION CODE - A single digit, selftest service code, output at the beginning of the "engine running" test which is equal to one-half of the number of engine cylinders.

IGNITION RESERVE - The differential between available voltage and the required voltage.

IGNITION SWITCH - Key-operated main power switch in a car. Its chief function is to close the primary ignition circuit, but modern designs include several other circuits and even a steering column lock.


IGNITION SYSTEM - All the components that together produce the ignition spark: battery, distributor, ignition coil, spark plugs and associated switches and wiring.
IMAGE LINE - The electronic picture tracing as seen on the screen of an oscilloscope.

IMPEDANCE - A form of opposition to AC current flow (resistance) measured in OHMS.

INDUCTION - The spontaneous creation of an electric current in a coil as it passes through a magnetic field.

INERTIA SWITCH - A switch in the fuel pump circuit which shuts off power to the fuel pump in the event the vehicle is involved in a collision. This switch must be manually reset.

INPUT - Information provided to a microcomputer to allow accurate control of a system.

INPUT CONDITIONER - A device or circuit that conditions or prepares an input signal for use by a microcomputer.
INSULATION - Materials which do not readily conduct electricity.

INSULATOR - A nonconducting substance or body, such as porcelain, glass, or bakelite used for insulating wires in electrical circuits to prevent the leakage of electricity.

INTEGRAL RELAY CONTROL MODULE (IRCM) - A module which interfaces with the EEC-IV processor to provide control of the cooling fan, A/C clutch and fuel pump. The module also incorporates the EEC power relay to provide power to the EEC-IV system.

INTEGRATED CIRCUIT (IC) - A small semiconductor device that contains thousands of component parts and is capable of doing many circuit functions. Also called "chips"

INTEGRATED VEHICLE SPEED CONTROL (IVSC) - A Ford speed control system which is integrated with the on-board EEC TV engine control system. This system does not require an amplifier because all computer control is through the EEC IV processor.

INVERTERA - A circuit that takes an input and converts it to the opposite state in the output.