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Ford Rear 8.8 Inch Ring Gear-Traction-LOK Differential

In-vehicle adjustments are possible on this unit without removing the differential case from the axle housing. If the operation check was not to specification, the following procedure can be used to correct the condition:

NOTE: Refer to Integral Carrier Axle-8.8 Inch Ring Gear (Conventional 8.8 inch Ring Gear Axle), for Exciter Ring Service on Antilock brake system equipped vehicles.

Clutch Pack Preload Adjustment

NOTE: Before clutch pack preload can be adjusted, the axle shafts must be removed following the procedure in Integral Carrier Axle- Ford Truck 8.8 Inch Ring Gear. The shafts must be removed completely from the housing so that the oil seals will not be damaged. After adjustment, install the shafts following the procedure in Integral Carrier Axle- Ford Truck 8.8 Inch Ring Gear.

1. With a suitable drift, drive the S-shaped preload spring half-way out of the differential case. Rotate the differential case 180 degrees. Hold the S-shaped preload spring with a pair of pliers and tap the spring until it is removed from the differential.


2. Using Gear Rotator T80P-4205-A or equivalent, rotate the pinion gears until the gears can be removed from the differential.

NOTE: A twelve inch extension is required to remove the pinion gears.

3. Remove the right and left side gear and clutch pack with the shim and tag them R.H. and L.H. Set them aside until Step 4. Clean and inspect the remaining parts of the differential case assembly for wear or damage. Replace parts as required.

4. Clean and inspect the clutch packs for wear and replace parts as necessary.

NOTE: Do not use acids or solvents when cleaning clutch components. Wipe components with a clean lint-free cloth only.

5. Assemble the clutch packs (without shims) on the respective side gears. Pre-lubricate all friction plates with Additive Friction Modifier C8AZ-19B546-A (EST-M2C118-A) or equivalent.

NOTE: Do not mix clutch plates or shims from one side with the other.

6. Place the base portion of Traction-Lok Clutch Gauge, T87T-4946-A in a vise. Install the clutch pack and side gear (without the differential clutch pack shim) over the base.

7. Install the disc of Traction-Lok Clutch Gauge, T8OP-4946-A over the base and on top of the clutch pack.

8. Install the top portion of Traction-Lok Clutch Gauge, T8OP-4946-A over the disc and base stud.

9. Install the nut of Traction-Lok Clutch Gauge, T8OP-4946-A over the top and base stud. Tighten the nut to 6.7 Nm (60 in lbs).

10. Using a feeler gauge, select the thickest blade that will enter between the tool and the clutch pack. This reading will be the thickness of the new shim.

NOTE: Be sure to lubricate friction plates with the proper Additive Friction Modifier, C8AZ-19B546-A (EST-M2C118-A) or equivalent prior to reassembly.

11. Install the right side-gear, clutch pack and new shim into the cavity in the differential case. Repeat this step for the left side.

12. Place the pinion gears and thrust washers 180 degrees apart on the side gears. Install Tool TBOP-4205-A or equivalent as shown.

NOTE: A twelve inch extension is required to install the pinion gears.

13. Rotate the tool until the pinion gears are aligned with the pinion shaft hole as shown. Remove the tool from the differential case.

14. Hold the S-shaped preload spring up to the differential case window and with a soft-faced hammer, hammer the spring into position.

Note: Check the pre-load spring for damage.

Bench Torque Test

A bench torque test must be made if the differential assembly has been removed from the axle and adjustments have been made.

With the locker tools in T59L-4204-A or equivalent check the torque required to rotate one side gear while the other is held stationary.

The initial break-away torque, if original clutch plates are used, should be at least 27 Nm (20 ft-lbs). The rotating torque required to keep the side gear turning with new clutch plates may fluctuate.