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Coupling Shaft/Center Bearing Alignment

E-150--E-250--E-350 and F-150--F-250--F-350--F-Super Duty Vehicles with Two Piece Driveshaft

Vehicle noise and vibration can be caused by dislocated and/or failed center bearing rubber insulator, contaminated center bearing or excessive compression of the rubber insulator.

The service for this condition is as follows:

1. Remove the coupling shaft assembly from the vehicle.

2. Perform the following steps:

A. Remove the support bracket and retainer.

B. Remove the rubber insulator.

C. Press center bearing assembly and bearing retainer off the coupling shaft.

D. Press the dust slinger off the coupling shaft.

3. Replace with center bearing assembly kit D9TZ-4800-A or equivalent in all cases except E4TZ-4800-A for F-250 HD, F-350 and F-Super Duty with M5HD transmission.

4. Reassemble the coupling shaft.

NOTE: First install bearing in rubber insulator and press bearing on shaft with the turned in lip toward the dust slinger (toward). The support bracket must be installed with the deep flange rearward.

5. Reinstall the driveline in the vehicle with the yokes phased properly.

6. Road test to verify resolution of condition.

7. If vibration still exists, insert 1.1 9mm (1/16 inch) shims between support bracket and support plate (on bolt ends of support bracket) to reduce compression of the rubber insulator as required.