Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Model 60 Monobeam

1. Attach ring gear to differential case using new bolts, then torque bolts alternately and evenly to specifications.
2. Place differential case into position in carrier (differential case bearings should still be installed).

Fig. 4 Total Differential Case Endplay Check:

3. Force differential case away from drive pinion gear, until it is completely seated against cross bore face of carrier. Position a dial indicator so indicator tip rests on a ring gear bolt head, Fig. 4. Zero dial indicator.
4. Force ring gear against pinion gear. Rock ring gear slightly to ensure gear teeth are in contact, then force ring gear away from pinion gear, ensuring dial indicator returns to zero. Repeat this procedure until dial indicator reading is the same. This reading should be recorded as measurement ``B'' and reveals amount of shims necessary between differential case and differential bearing on ring gear side.
5. Assemble shim pack for ring gear side to measurement ``B.''
6. Subtract measurement ``B'' from measurement ``A'' obtained in step 3 under ``Total Differential Case Endplay'' as previously described to obtain measurement ``C.'' Measurement ``C'' equals amount of shims required between differential case and bearing on side opposite of ring gear.
7. Assemble shim pack for side opposite of ring gear to measurement ``C'' plus (+) .015 inch.
8. Remove differential case from carrier, then the bearings from case.
9. Place required amount of shims on hub of ring gear side of differential case, then install bearing and drive bearing onto hub using a suitable differential side bearing replacer.
10. Place required amount of shims on hub of differential case opposite of ring gear side, then install bearing. Place a suitable step plate on ring gear side bearing to protect bearing, then drive bearing opposite of ring gear side onto hub using differential side bearing replacer.
11. Install differential bearing cups onto bearings.
12. Mount Spreader tool No. TOOL-4000-E and Spreader Adapter tool No. T80T-4000-B or their equivalents onto carrier assembly.
13. Position a dial indicator onto carrier, then spread housing. Do not spread housing more than .015 inch.
14. Install differential case into carrier. If necessary, use a rawhide or plastic hammer to seat case in carrier bore. With partial and non-hunting/partial ring gear and pinion sets, align marks on ring gear and drive pinion, if applicable. Use care not to nick teeth of ring gear or pinion.
15. Remove spreader and dial indicator.
16. Install bearing caps and bolts, ensuring letters or numbers stamped on caps correspond in both position and direction with letters or numbers stamped into carrier, then torque bolts to specifications.

Fig. 14 Ring Gear And Pinion Backlash Check:

17. Install dial indicator on case, Fig. 14.
18. Check ring gear and pinion backlash at three equally spaced points on ring gear. Back lash tolerance is .005-.009 inch and cannot vary more than .003 inch between the three points.
19. If backlash is high, ring gear must be moved closer to pinion by moving shims to ring gear side from opposite side.
20. If backlash is low, ring gear must be moved away from pinion by moving shims from ring gear side to opposite side.
21. On 28-2 models, install axle shafts.
22. Apply a continuous bead of RTV silicone sealant 1/8-1/4 inch high and 1/4-1/2 inch wide on cover plate, then install cover plate and mounting bolts and torque to specifications. Cover must be installed on carrier within five minutes after applying sealant.
23. Allow sealant one hour cure time prior to filling carrier with proper amount of specified lubricant.