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U2 Obtain Rear ABS DTC

NOTE: Any other code obtained represents an rear ABS system concern and does not have an effect on the ability of the RABS sensor to send the speed signal to PSOM. Resolve the rear ABS system concern indicated by the diagnostic trouble code first. When the rear ABS system concern is corrected, repeat this step to continue PSOM concern diagnosis.

- Obtain rear ABS code (refer System Pre-Check).

- Are any of the following codes obtained: 6, 9, or 10?
YES -- Go to the pinpoint test for the code obtained.

NO -- Code 16 is obtained. Go to U3. U3 Verify RABS Sensor Speed Signal at Antilock ECM

NO -- A code other than 6, 9, 10, 16 is obtained. GO to appropriate pinpoint test.

NO -- No code is obtained. GO to Pinpoint Test E. E Yellow RABS Warning Light Self-Checks, No Trouble DTC