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KC2 - Check Air Vacuum Lines

- Carefully check Secondary Air Injection (AIR) vacuum lines:

- From Secondary Air Injection Bypass (AIRB) solenoid to AIRB valve.

- From Secondary Air Injection Diverter (AIRD) solenoid to AIRD valve.

- From manifold vacuum tree to AIRB/AIRD solenoids.

- Check for obstructions, cracks, kinks, and leaks, etc.

- Are vacuum lines in good condition?

Yes -- For Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) 311 and 314: Go to KC5. KC5 - Check AIRB and AIRD Solenoids Electrical Operation

For DTC 312: Go to KC3. KC3 - Attempt to Eliminate DTC 312

For DTC 313: Go to KC4. KC4 - Attempt to Eliminate DTC 313

No -- Service as necessary. Rerun quick test. Quick Test Appendix (Detailed Testing Instructions)