Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Attachment I - Administrative Instructions

Administrative Instructions

You must use OASIS to determine if a truck is eligible for this or another recall.

Correct all affected dealer stock trucks before delivery.

Promptly Correct
Affected trucks on the enclosed list and other eligible trucks on hand or brought to your dealership.

Dealer Owner Contact
Immediately contact any owner of an eligible truck you know of whose name is not on the list. Give the owner a copy of the Owner Letter.

Region Contact
Advise FCSD regional office if:

^ an owner cannot be contacted.
^ an owner does not make a service date.

FCSD Contact
Talk with your FCSD Parts and Service Zone Manager about recall concerns.

Submit claims using the 1864 format on the DWE screen. (Refer to your Warranty and Policy Manual Section 6.3 pages 5-8). Use a Form 1863 or authorized alternative claim form as an internal repair order to support your DWE entry.

Please read Section 6.3 of your Warranty and Policy Manual. This section contains claim processing information including related damage/refunds and refunds.