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Safe Fuel Handling Practices

WARNING: Fuel in the fuel system remains under high pressure even when the engine is not running. To avoid injury or fire, release the fuel pressure from the fuel system before disconnecting any fuel line. To release the pressure from the system perform the following:

- Connect the rotunda fuel pressure gauge T80L-9974-B or equivalent at the schrader valve located on the fuel rail. Testing kit valve must be closed.
- Gradually open the testing kit valve to relieve fuel pressure in the vehicle fuel system and drain the fuel into a suitable container or return it to the fuel tank.

WARNING: To avoid unnecessary fuel spillage and fire hazard, any time fuel lines are disconnected, the ignition switch must be in the OFF position unless fuel pump operation is required for test purposes. Use care to prevent combustion from fuel spillage. No smoking, open flames or any kind of arcing.

- Report all fires to the appropriate authorities.
- Flames from methanol or methanol-gasoline blends can be invisible.
- Know the locations of portable fire extinguishers, fire blankets, fire alarms and eye/wash shower facilities. Learn how to use them.
- Use a B or AFFF (light water) type fire extinguisher to fight flammable liquid fires.
- If gasoline has been swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Seek medical attention immediately!
- If methanol or a methanol/gasoline blend has been swallowed, induce vomiting under the direction of a physician or Poison Control Center. Seek medical attention immediately!
- When overcome by vapors, if safe, move victim to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration or CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) as appropriate. Seek medical attention immediately!
- If splashed in eyes, flush with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if worn. Seek medical attention.
- If splashed on skin, remove contaminated clothing. Wash skim thoroughly with soap and water.
- All fuels can be harmful or fatal if swallowed.
- Be aware, if swallowed, onset of serious health effects can be delayed 12 to 24 hours.
- Fuels and other products containing methanol (e.g. windshield washer fluid) can cause blindness if swallowed.
- All fuel vapors can be harmful if inhaled.
- All fuels can be harmful if absorbed through the skin.
- All fuels are irritating to the eyes and respiratory system.
- Some fuels contain benzene which is a cancer-causing agent.
- Use flammable liquid handling precautions.
- Wear chemical goggles and nitrile gloves (additional protective clothing and equipment may be necessary in some instances).
- Keep flammable liquids in approved, labeled, closed containers.
- Use in well-ventilated areas and control vapors. Be aware that vapors are not visible, are heavier than air, can travel along the floor, and will settle in lower areas.
- When transferring flammable liquids, bond the receiving container to the source and ground the source to the earth.
- Do not smoke or use heat/spark producing equipment near vapors.
- Do not eat, smoke or drink where these products are handled, processed or stored.
- Never siphon by mouth.
- Wash hands thoroughly after handling any fuel.
- Notify the proper authorities in the event of any spill you have not been trained to clean up.
- Stop, contain, and clean up small spills with an absorbent material.