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Clutch Pressure Test

The Clutch Pressure Test will diagnose a low-pressure condition or leakage in a clutch circuit. A difference of 103 kPa (15 psi) or more between the clutch pressure and line pressure will prevent a normal shift.

1. CAUTION: Pressure gauges affect the shift quality of the transmission. Care must be taken not to accelerate or decelerate rapidly. Possible transmission failure can result.

Attach 0 - 2068 kPa (0 - 300 psi) pressure gauges to the line pressure tap and the appropriate clutch pressure tap according to Band/Clutch Application Chart 601. Gauges must be accurate enough to distinguish a 103 kPa (15 psi) difference. (If this test is done in conjunction with a control pressure test, pressure gauges will be attached to all pressure taps.) Have sufficient flexible hose available to read the gauges in the vehicle.
2. Drive the vehicle. When pressure is applied to the clutch, note the difference between the line pressure gauge and the corresponding clutch pressure gauge.
3. If the difference in pressures is less than 103 kPa (15 psi), the corresponding clutch circuit does not have a pressure loss. The gauges on the line pressure tap and appropriate clutch pressure tap can be switched to confirm that gauge calibration differences are not the cause.
4. If the difference is greater than 103 kPa (15 psi), there is a leak in the corresponding clutch pressure circuit. The gauges on the line pressure tap and clutch pressure tap can be switched to confirm that gauge calibration differences are not the cause. Carry out the appropriate procedure to correct the clutch leak problem.