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24 Pin, 3 Channel ABS - Vehicles Built Before 11/30/00

Yellow ABS Warning Indicator Failure

Does not illuminate (prove out):

A. Connect EEC-IV 60-Pin Breakout Box to the ABS module with the ABS adapter cable.
B. Connect EEC-IV 60-Pin Breakout Box pin 1 (yellow indicator) to the B+ pin.
C. Wiggle the wire harness at the several points between the ABS module and the instrument cluster.
D. Repair or replace the wire harness at the location that the indicator flickered off for an open circuit.

Does illuminate (prove out):

A. Wiggle the wire harness at the several points between the ABS module and the instrument cluster.
B. Repair or replace the wire harness at the location that the indicator flickered on for a short to ground.