Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


Special Tool(s)

1. CAUTION: Do not reassemble the transmission dry. Apply lubricant throughout the assembly procedure.

Lubricate all bearings, gears and synchronizers with the recommended transmission lubricant, MERCON Multi-Purpose ATF Transmission Fluid XT-2-QDX or equivalent meeting Ford specification MERCON.

2. Position the mainshaft assembly in the Gear Pack Holding Fixture.

3. Position the countershaft assembly on the Holding Fixture.

4. NOTE: If new components were installed, use new roll pins to assemble the shift fork to the shift rail.

Install the third and fourth shift fork and shift rail.

5. NOTE: If new components were installed, use new roll pins to assemble the shift fork to the shift rail.

Install the first and second shift fork and shift rail.

6. NOTE: If new components were installed, use new roll pins to assemble the shift fork to the shift rail.

Install the fifth and reverse shift fork and shift rail.

7. Install the Shift Rod Support.

8. Install the shift interlock plate, then position the plate in the grooves on the main shift rail.
^ The part numbers on the shift interlock plate face toward the input shaft.

9. NOTE: Attach the Holding Fixture to the extension housing.

Install the extension housing.

10. Install two shift interlock plate bolts. Do not tighten at this time.

11. NOTE: An assistant will be needed to install the gear assembly into the bench fixture.

Secure the gear assembly to the Gear Pack Holding Fixture with a cargo strap, then install into the bench fixture.

12. Remove the special tools.

13. Install the remaining shift interlock plate bolt, then tighten all three bolts to specification.

14. Install the reverse idler gear assembly.
1 Install the reverse gear on the extension housing.
^ Assemble the reverse idler gear bearings into the reverse idler gear.

2 Install the reverse idler shaft. Align the threaded holes in the reverse idler shaft with the holes in the extension housing.
3 Install a new sea] and the reverse idler gear bolt. Do not tighten the bolt at this time.

15. Install the main shift rail and main shift rail driver.

16. CAUTION: Make sure that the shift rail detents do not obstruct entry of the shift rails.

Carefully install the case onto the extension housing, then install two bolts.

17. Tap the dowel pins into the upper case.
18. Rotate the transmission 180°.
^ The input shaft is pointing down.

19. Install the remaining 15 bolts.

20. Install the special tool to measure mainshaft clearance.
^ Mount the indicator stand to the extension housing.
^ Position the indicator on the end of the mainshaft.
^ Zero the dial indicator.

21. Place the transmission on the floor. Wooden blocks will be needed to elevate the transmission.

22. Lifting up on the mainshaft, measure the mainshaft clearance.
^ Using a pry bar, lift up on the input shaft.
^ Observe the dial indicator reading.
^ Add preload specification 0.0 mm (0 inch) to 0.05 mm (0.002 inch) to the dial indicator reading to determine shim thickness. Measure the thickness of the input shaft oil dam bearing ring at three places and subtract the highest dimension. Use the higher measurement to allow for break in. Mainshaft clearance (-) the thickness of the oil dam + preload = shim range.

23. Install the special tool to measure countershaft clearance.
^ Mount the indicator stand to the case.
^ Position the indicator on the fourth gear of the countershaft.
^ Zero the dial indicator.

24. Measure countershaft clearance.
^ Insert a pry bar through the PTO opening, and position it under the fourth gear on the countershaft. Lift up on the countershaft.
^ Observe the dial indicator reading.
^ Add preload specification 0.0 mm (0.0 inch) and 0.05 mm (0.002 inch) to the dial indicator reading to determine shim thickness range. Use the higher measurement to allow for break in. Countershaft clearance + preload = shim range.

25. Reinstall the transmission into the bench fixture. Rotate the transmission so the input shaft is pointing upward.

26. Remove the 17 bolts.

27. NOTE: The dowel pins do not have to be removed.

Using a hammer and punch, tap the two dowel pins down until they are past the main case.

28. Carefully lift the main case off the extension housing. Set the case on the floor.

29. Using the special tools, remove the input shaft bearing cup.
^ If a new bearing was installed on the input shaft, install a new cup.

30. Use the special tools, remove the countershaft front bearing cup.
^ If a new bearing was installed on the countershaft, install a new cup.

31. NOTE: Using the Heat Gun, heat the case bearing cup area to aid installation.

Install the oil trough, the new shim and the new input shaft oil dam into the bearing cup bore, then using the special tools, install the input shaft bearing cup.
^ Using the clearance measurement, select the appropriate shim and input shaft oil dam.

32. NOTE: Using the Heat Gun, heat the case bearing cup area to aid installation.

Install the new shim, then using the special tools, install the countershaft bearing cup.
^ Using the clearance measurement, select the appropriate shim.

33. CAUTION: Make sure that the shift rail detents; do not obstruct entry of the shift rails.

CAUTION: Use an oil stone or sanding block to clean the mating surfaces.

CAUTION: Do not use a silicone sealing compound.

NOTE: Do not wait longer than ten minutes to tighten the bolts due to the rapid cure time of the sealant.

Carefully install the case onto the extension housing.
^ Using Gasket Maker F8AZ-19B508-AB or equivalent meeting Ford specification WSK-M2G348-A5, apply a thin coat to the sealing surface of the case and the extension housing.

34. Tap the dowel pins into the upper case.

35. Install the 17 bolts.

36. Install a new seal and the upper reverse idler bolt. Tighten both the upper and lower bolts.

37. On 4-wheel drive vehicles, use the special tool and install a new output oil seal.
^ Coat the outer diameter of the new seal with Gasket and Trim Adhesive F3AZ-1913508-AA or equivalent.

38. On 2-wheel drive vehicles, use the special tool and install a new output oil seal.
^ Coat the outer diameter of the new seal with Gasket and Trim Adhesive F3AZ-1913508-AA or equivalent.

39. On 2-wheel drive vehicles, use the special tools and install the pinion flange.
^ Apply Threadlock262 E2FZ-19554-B or equivalent meeting Ford specification WSK-M2G351-A6 to the threads of the pinion flange locknut.

40. On all vehicles, install the PTO covers with new gaskets.
^ Apply Thread lock and Sealer EOAZ-19554-AA or equivalent meeting Ford specification WSK-M2G351-A5 to the threads of the PTO cover bolts.

41. CAUTION: Do not strike the detent plugs in the center. This will damage the detent plug, which will result in a leak.

Install the detents, the detent springs, then tap in new detent plugs. Tap the plugs until they rest against the case stops.
^ Apply Gasket Maker F8AZ-19B508-AB or equivalent meeting Ford specifications WSK-M2G348-A5 to the detent plugs before installing.

42. CAUTION: The procedure must be followed exactly to make sure that the interlock function operates correctly.

NOTE: Make sure that the interlock plate and shifter interlock spring do not drop into the case.

Position the fifth-reverse gear interlock plate into its installed position. Using Gasket Maker F8AZ-1913508-AB or equivalent meeting Ford specification WSK-M2G348-A5, apply a thin coat to the sealing surface of the shift control housing on the case.
^ Place the shifter interlock spring above the nose in the interlock plate and move both parts into their installed positions.

43. Install the detent.
^ Using the Heat Gun, heat the shift lever housing to approximately 120°C (248°F).
^ Press the detent into its mounting hole until it rests against its stop.

44. Install the shift housing.
^ Rotate the transmission to the horizontal position.
^ Check the functioning of the interlock. Temporarily install the shift lever. The nose on the shift lever located just above the ball must point toward the interlock plate.

45. Install the reverse lamp switch with a new seal.

46. Using the special tool, install the input shaft seal.

47. Install the guide tube.

48. Install the clutch release lever and the clutch release hub and bearing.
49. Remove the transmission from the Holding Fixture.

50. Install the transmission mount.