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Tools For Steering System Noise Diagnosis

Tools For Steering System Noise Diagnosis

Combination Engine EAR/Chassis EAR
An electronic listening device used to quickly identify noise and the location under the chassis while the vehicle is being road tested. The Chassis EAR can identify the noise and location of damaged/worn steering components, wheel bearings, CV joints, brakes, springs, axle bearings or driveshaft carrier bearings.

Engine EAR Basic Unit
An electronic listening device used to detect even the faintest noises, the Engin EAR can detect the noise of damaged/worn bearings in generators, coolant pumps, A/C compressors and power steering pumps. It is also used to identify noisy lifters, exhaust manifold leaks, chipped gear teeth and for detecting wind noise. The Engin EAR has a sensing tip, amplifier and headphones. The directional sensing tip is used to listen to the various components. Point the sensing tip at the suspect component and adjust the volume with the amplifier. Placing the tip in direct contact with a component will reveal structure-borne noise and vibrations, generated by or passing through, the component. Various volume levels can reveal different sounds.