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Connecting Rod Bearing: Specifications

Connecting Rod
Clearance-to-pin 0.009-0.0235 mm (0.0004-0.0093 inch)
Pin bore diameter 22.012-22.024 mm (0.8666-0.8671 inch)
Length (center-to-center) 169.1 mm (6.6575 inch)
Maximum allowed bend ±0.038 mm (0.0015 inch)
Maximum allowed twist (a) ±0.05 mm (0.0020 inch)
Bearing bore diameter (with assembled liners) 53.049-53.027 mm (2.0885-2.0877 inch)
Bearing-to-crankshaft clearance 0.064-0.026 mm (0.0025-0.0010 inch)
Side clearance 0.475-0.125 mm (0.0187-0.0049 inch)
(a) The pin bore and crank bearing bore must be parallel and in the same vertical plane within the specified total difference when measured at the ends of a 203-mm bar, 105.5 mm on each side of rod centerline.

Crankshaft Connecting Rod Journal
Diameter 53.003-52.983 mm (2.0867-2.0859 inch)
Maximum taper 0.004 mm (0.0002 inch)
Maximum out-of-round 0.0075 mm (0.0003 inch) between cross sections
Maximum end play 0.075-0.377 mm (0.0030-0.0148 inch)

Connecting Rod Bolts
Discard the bolts.

First pass 43 Nm (32 lb-ft).
Final pass Tighten an additional 105°