Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Attachment I - Administrative Information


Yes, OASIS was activated on October 13, 2008.


Yes, FSA VIN list was made available through the website on October 13, 2008. Owner names and addresses were made available the week of January 5, 2009.

Your FSA VIN list may contain owner names and addresses obtained from motor vehicle registration records. The use of such motor vehicle registration data for any purpose other than in connection with this program is a violation of law in several states, provinces, and countries. Accordingly, you must limit the use of this listing to the follow-up necessary to complete this field service action.


Correct all affected units in your new vehicle inventory before delivery.


^ Owners of affected vehicles will be directed to dealers for repairs.

^ Immediately contact any of your affected owners whose vehicles are not on your VIN lists but are identified in OASIS. Give the owner a copy of the Customer Notification Letter and schedule a service date.

^ Correct other affected vehicles identified in OASIS which are brought to your dealership.


Affected title branded and salvaged vehicles are eligible for this Field Service Action.


^ Should a radiator (base part number 8009) replacement be needed at the time of the Venturi Tee installation, submit the radiator as related damage. Prior approval is not required.

^ If a related damage condition exists, other than a radiator, that you believe to be caused by the covered condition, call the Special Service Support Center to request approval prior to the repair of any related damage. Requests for approval after completion of the repair will not be granted. Ford Motor Company reserves the right to deny coverage for related damage in cases where the vehicle owner has not had this service action performed on a timely basis.


^ If a condition exists, other than a radiator, that requires additional labor to complete the repair, call the Special Service Support Center to request approval prior to performing any additional labor. Requests for approval after completion of the repair will not be granted.

^ If you encounter aftermarket equipment or modifications to the vehicle which might prevent the repair of the covered condition, call the Special Service Support Center.


^ Ford Motor Company will only refund owner-paid repairs covered by this program if the repair was performed before the date of the Customer Notification Letter (or after the date of the letter if an emergency repair was made away from the servicing dealer). Non-covered repairs, or those judged by Ford to be excessive, will not be reimbursed.

^ Multiple refunds should be submitted on one repair line and the invoice details for each repair should be detailed in the comments section of the claim. If a repair is performed on the same visit, the repair and refunds should be submitted on separate repair lines.

^ The refund period for repairs performed prior to the date of the Customer Notification Letter will expire on December 31, 2009.

^ Refund Claiming Information. (Submit on separate repair line.)

- Program Code: 08B06 - Misc. Expense: ADMIN

- Misc. Expense: REFUND - Misc. Expense: 0.2 Hrs.


The use of rental vehicles is not authorized for this program.


^ Enter claims using Direct Warranty Entry (DWE).

^ Should a radiator (base part number 8009) replacement be needed at the time of the Venturi Tee installation, submit the radiator as related damage under Customer Satisfaction Program 08B06 and not under Bumper-to-Bumper Warranty Coverage.

^ Related damage claim for a radiator replacement does not require prior approval.

^ Refund or related damage must be claimed on a repair line that is separate from the repair line on which the FSA is claimed. Related damage, other than a radiator, requires prior approval from the Special Service Support Center.

^ "MT" labor should be submitted on a separate repair line with the related damage flag checked. "MT" labor requires prior approval from the Special Service Support Center.

^ Refer to ACESII manual for claims preparation and submission information.

^ PROGRAM TERMS: This program will be in effect through regardless of mileage.

^ All Venturi Tee Kit installation repairs performed on or after October 13, 2008 must be submitted with labor operation code 08B06B (08T01 labor operations can only be used for repairs dated on or before October 12, 2008).