Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Suction Accumulator

Air Conditioning

Suction Accumulator

NOTE: Installation of a new suction accumulator is not required when repairing the A/C system, except when there is physical evidence of contamination from a failed A/C compressor or damage to the suction accumulator. Damage to the suction accumulator includes leaks in the suction accumulator, physical damage to the suction accumulator shell or desiccant, or moisture contamination. Moisture contamination results only from a complete loss of refrigerant, and equalization of the refrigerant system pressure with atmospheric pressure for a period longer than 1 hour. If even a slight amount of position refrigerant pressure is present in the refrigerant system before repairs are carried out, the suction accumulator should not be replaced.

The suction accumulator is located at the RH rear of the engine compartment and is used to prevent residual liquid refrigerant from reaching the A/C compressor after leaving the evaporator core. The suction accumulator allows the accumulated heavier liquid refrigerant and oil mixture to re-enter the compressor suction line at a controlled rate. A desiccant bag is mounted inside the canister to absorb any moisture which may be in the refrigerant system.