Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Principles Of Operation

Parking Brake

Principles of Operation

Parking Brake System

The parking brake system is an independent cable-actuated system controlled by a foot-operated parking brake control. The parking brake control applies tension to the front parking brake cable and conduit. The front parking brake cable is coupled to the LH rear parking brake cable and conduit which is coupled to the RH rear parking brake cable. The parking brake cable and conduits actuate the parking brake levers, engaging the parking brake shoes with the parking brake drum-in-hat assembly. The system is returned to the released position by pulling the parking brake control release handle. Springs in the parking brake system apply the necessary force to return the system to the unapplied position. The parking brake warning indicator is located in the instrument cluster. It illuminates to signal the driver that the parking brake is applied or to signal a low brake fluid condition. The warning indicator system is diagnosed in Instrument Panel, Gauges and Warning Indicators.