Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Clutch: Service and Repair

Clutch System Bleeding - In-Vehicle

1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. For additional information, refer to Vehicle Jacking and Lifting.

2. Fill the clutch master cylinder reservoir to the full line with clean brake fluid.

3. Unlock and remove the slave cylinder from the transmission.
- Push the slave cylinder forward to compress the seal and at the same time twist it counterclockwise to unlock it from the transmission.

4. Disconnect the clutch hydraulic tube from the floor pan clip.

5. Position the slave cylinder and the hydraulic tube so that there are no high points that could trap air in the system.
- Position the slave cylinder push rod downward. Route the hydraulic tube upward as straight as possible toward the master cylinder so that the air can flow freely to the fluid reservoir.

6. NOTE: Do not allow the clutch master cylinder reservoir to run dry.

Purge the air from the clutch hydraulic system.

- Push the push rod slowly into the slave cylinder until it bottoms out the piston. Hold the push rod in this position for 5 to 10 seconds to allow all trapped air to rise through the system. Very slowly, so that air is not drawn back into the slave cylinder, release the push rod (the spring in the slave cylinder will force the piston outward). Wait 5 to 10 seconds for the air bubbles to rise. Tap the lines to assist in releasing air bubbles, which may be trapped in the line bends. Repeat this process until all air purged from the system. Verify that the fluid in the reservoir is free of air bubbles.

7. Install the slave cylinder.
- Compress and twist the slave cylinder clockwise to lock it onto the transmission.

8. Connect the clutch hydraulic tube to the floor pan clip.

9. Slowly depress and release the clutch pedal 20 to 25 times to bleed any air still trapped in the system. Verify that the fluid in the reservoir is free of air bubbles.

10. Verify that the fluid level in the reservoir is correct and install the cap.