Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Component Tests and General Diagnostics

Safety Belt System

Component Test

Carry out the appropriate Functional Test(s) as determined in Inspection and Verification.

Functional Test - Safety Belt Buckle and Tongue

NOTE: Always install a new safety belt buckle and safety belt or safety belt retractor as a matched set.

The safety belt buckle and tongue assembly must operate freely during the latching and unlatching function. Fasten the safety belt by inserting the tongue (male portion) into the buckle (female portion).

1. Verify the following during the latching sequence:
- Tongue insertion is not hindered by excessive effort.

- A click is heard when the safety belt buckle latches the tongue.

2. Verify the system integrity by forcefully pulling on the safety belt webbing.

3. Unlatch the safety belt by fully depressing the safety belt buckle release button and allowing the safety belt to release and retract.

4. Verify the following during the unlatching process:
- Push-button depression does not require excessive effort.

- The tongue can be removed easily from the buckle when the button is depressed.

5. Repeat the above steps 3 times.

6. If the functional test reveals a concern(s), install a new safety belt and safety belt buckle or safety belt retractor and safety belt buckle as required.
- Install a new safety belt and safety belt buckle or safety belt retractor and safety belt buckle if no obvious concerns are noticed and the complaint has been verified.

Functional Test - Safety Belt Mini-Buckle and Tongue

NOTE: Always install a new safety belt mini-buckle and safety belt or safety belt retractor as a matched set.

The safety belt mini-buckle and tongue assembly must operate freely during the latching and unlatching function. Fasten the safety belt by inserting the tongue (male portion) into the mini-buckle (female portion).

1. Verify the following during the latching sequence:
- Tongue insertion is not hindered by excessive effort.

- A click is heard when the safety belt mini-buckle latches the tongue.

2. Verify the system integrity by forcefully pulling on the safety belt webbing.

3. Unlatch the safety belt by inserting an appropriate tool into the pin hole of the safety belt mini-buckle and fully depress the release button, allowing the safety belt to release and retract.

4. Verify the following during the unlatching process:
- Push-button depression does not require excessive effort.

- The tongue can be removed easily from the mini-buckle when the button is depressed.

5. Repeat the above steps 3 times.

6. If the functional test reveals a concern(s), install a new safety belt and safety belt mini-buckle or safety belt retractor and safety belt mini-buckle as required.
- Install a new safety belt and safety belt mini-buckle or safety belt retractor and safety belt mini-buckle if no obvious concerns are noticed and the complaint has been verified.

Functional Test - Safety Belt Retractor

The safety belt retractor must be freely operational for extraction and retraction of the safety belt webbing between full extension and in-vehicle stowed positions.

1. Extract and retract the safety belt between the full extension and stowed positions.

2. Verify the safety belt retractor operates without excessive effort or binding.

3. Install a new safety belt retractor if any concern is found or the complaint has been verified.

Functional Test - Safety Belt Retractor, Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) Mode

1. Position the seat backrest fully upright (if adjustable).

2. Position the safety belt shoulder height adjuster (if equipped) in the full down or up position.

3. Fasten the safety belt.

4. Pull out the safety belt webbing until the Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) feature is activated.

5. Allow the safety belt webbing to retract until it stops.

6. Pull on the safety belt webbing to check that the safety belt retractor has remained in the ALR mode. If the safety belt retractor is not locked, install a new safety belt retractor.

7. Unfasten the safety belt and allow the safety belt webbing to retract to its stowed position.

8. Pull out and retract the safety belt webbing to verify the safety belt retractor has converted automatically out of ALR mode. If the safety belt retractor remains locked in the ALR mode, install a new safety belt retractor.

Functional Test - Safety Belt Retractor, Road Test Inspection

WARNING: The driver and passenger must be prepared to brace themselves in the event the safety belt retractor does not lock. Failure to follow this instruction may result in serious personal injury.

NOTE: Make sure there is no excessive slack in the safety belt webbing across the torso during testing.

NOTE: Do not jerk on the safety belt webbing when carrying out this test.

1. Test the safety belts in the following sequence:

1. Fasten the safety belts and proceed to a safe area.

2. Attain a speed of 24 km/h (15 mph).

3. WARNING: Apply maximum brake force only on dry concrete or equivalent hard surface, NEVER on wet pavement or gravel. Failure to follow this instruction may result in serious personal injury.

Grasp the shoulder harness, lean forward and apply the brakes, making a maximum braking application without a skid.

4. The safety belts should lock up with minimum webbing extension.

5. If there is a lockup of all safety belt retractors being tested, the safety belt retractors are functioning correctly. If any safety belt retractor fails to lock up, install a new safety belt retractor(s).