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The following information describes the operation of the overdrive One-Way Clutch (OWC) and the low/reverse rocker clutch.

Overdrive One-Way Clutch (OWC) Mechanical Diode

The overdrive OWC (One-Way Clutch) mechanical diode is a OWC (One-Way Clutch) which also acts as the coast clutch pressure plate. It provides direct drive through the overdrive gearset when in power ON mode. It overruns in power OFF mode or when the overdrive clutch is applied.

Engine torque is transmitted in 1st, 3rd and 5th gears while the selector lever is in the (D) position. The input shaft drives the overdrive carrier clockwise. The overdrive carrier has the coast clutch hub bolted to it which also turns clockwise. The overdrive sun gear would turn counterclockwise, but is held from turning by the coast clutch mechanical diode. The input shaft turns the same speed as the center shaft and transmits torque through it.

In 2nd, 4th and 6th gears, the overdrive clutch is applied, the mechanical diode overruns and holds the overdrive sun gear fixed to the case. This causes the overdrive planet to walk around the sun gear and over-drive the overdrive ring gear.

Overdrive One-Way Clutch (OWC) Mechanical Diode

Low/Reverse Rocker Clutch

The low/reverse rocker clutch is a OWC (One-Way Clutch) which also functions as the low/reverse clutch pressure plate. The low/reverse rocker clutch external splines mate with the case and the internal splines mate with the reverse ring gear/reverse planet assembly.

In 1st and 2nd gears, the center shaft drives the forward cylinder clockwise. The forward clutch is applied and holds the forward ring gear, driving it clockwise. The forward planet provides a counterclockwise resisting torque and the forward/reverse sun gear is driven counterclockwise. The low reverse clutch is released. The low/reverse rocker clutch holds the reverse planet carrier body and allows the forward/reverse sun gear to drive the reverse planet gears which in turn drive the output shaft ring gear and hub assembly. The forward planet and output shaft hub are both splined to the output shaft.

The low/reverse rocker clutch is engine type and displacement dependent. For additional information for pressure plate configuration, refer to the Reverse Clutch Pack chart located within Specifications.

Rocker Clutch, Reverse Clutch, Reverse Planetary Assembly

The rocker clutch designs are used in the low/reverse and are model dependent. The low/reverse rocker design has captured reverse friction and separator plates which must be serviced using a new rocker assembly. When installed, the internal splined portion of the rocker clutch assembly should rotate clockwise and lock when rotated counterclockwise.

Rocker Clutch, Reverse Clutch, Reverse Planetary Assembly