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Fluid Leakage



Begin with a thorough inspection of the transmission, particularly at the area of the suspected leak. If an oil leak source is not readily identifiable, the following steps should be followed:

1. Clean or degrease the transmission with a water soluble solvent only.
2. Add an oil soluble dye (use as recommended by manufacturer) while the powertrain is at ambient temperature. Start the engine and let idle for approximately 15 minutes. Check the oil dip stick (if equipped) to make sure the dye is thoroughly mixed as indicated with a fluorescent color under a black light.
3. Using a black light, inspect the entire transmission for fluorescent dye, practically at the suspected area of oil leak. If the oil leak is found and identified, repair per service information.
4. If dye is not observed, drive the vehicle at various speeds for approximately 24 km (15 miles) and repeat inspection.


When diagnosing converter housing (5) fluid leaks, three actions must be taken before repair:

1. Verify proper transmission fluid level.
2. Verify that the leak originates from the converter housing area and is transmission fluid.
3. Determine the true source of the leak.

Fluid leakage at or around the torque converter area may originate from an engine oil leak (7). The area should be examined closely. Factory fill fluid is red and, therefore, can be distinguished from engine oil.

Some suspected converter housing fluid leaks may not be leaks at all. They may only be the result of residual fluid in the converter housing, or excess fluid spilled during factory fill, or fill after repair. Converter housing leaks have several potential sources. Through careful observation, a leak source can be identified before removing the transmission for repair.

Pump seal (1) leaks tend to move along the drive hub and onto the rear of the converter. Pump O-ring or pump body leaks follow the same path as a seal leak. Pump attaching bolt (3) leaks are generally deposited on the inside of the converter housing (5) and not on the converter itself. Pump seal (1) or gasket (4) leaks usually travel down the inside of the converter housing.


Possible sources of torque converter leakage are:

- Torque converter weld leaks at the outside diameter weld (1).
- Torque converter hub weld (2).