Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Claim Information

(Notification Used By Chevrolet Motor Division)

Dear Chevrolet Owner:

This notice is sent to you in accordance with the requirements of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act.

General Motors has determined that a defect which relates to motor vehicle safety exists in some 1986 Chevrolet Passenger Cars and Medium Duty Trucks and 1985-1986 Light Duty Trucks. The push-pull headlight switch might have been manufactured with electrical contacts which allow an intermittent headlight circuit. An intermittent circuit could cause the headlights to flicker or suddenly go out. Sudden loss of the headlights under severe weather or nighttime driving conditions could reduce driver visibility which might result in a vehicle crash without prior warning.

Until you have had an opportunity to have your Chevrolet corrected, you should be alert for signs of an intermittent headlight circuit. For example, you might experience flickering headlights or temporary delay when you pull the headlight switch "ON."

To prevent this condition from occurring, please contact your Chevrolet dealer on or after the date shown below to arrange a service date to have your Chevrolet inspected. Your dealer will check the headlight switch. If necessary, the switch will be replaced. This service will be completed at no charge to you.

Instructions have been sent to your Chevrolet dealer. It is estimated that parts will be available October 1, 1986. The labor time to check the headlight switch and replace it, if necessary, is about 35 minutes. Please ask your dealer if you wish to know how much additional time will be needed to process your vehicle.

Your Chevrolet Dealer is best equipped to obtain parts and provide service to ensure your vehicle is corrected as promptly as possible. However, if you take your vehicle to your dealer on the agreed service date, and they do not remedy this condition on that date or within five days, we recommend you contact the nearest Chevrolet Zone Office, either in person or by telephone. The Zone Office will assist you and the dealer in getting your vehicle corrected. The locations and telephone numbers of the Zone offices are listed in your Warranty and Owner Assistance Information Booklet which is in your glove compartment.

After contacting your dealer and the Zone Office, if you are still not satisfied that we have done our best to remedy this condition without charge and within a reasonable time, you may wish to write the Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh St., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590 or call 800-424-9393 (Washington, D.C. residents use 426-0123).
The enclosed owner reply card identifies your Chevrolet. Presentation of this card to your dealer will assist in making the inspection and correction in the shortest possible time. If you have sold or traded your vehicle, please complete the postage-paid card and return it to us. This will assist us in assuring all affected vehicles have been corrected.

We are sorry to cause you this inconvenience; however, we have taken this action in the interest of your safety and continued satisfaction with our products.

