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Coolant - Recycling Update


GMC NUMBER: 91-6B-140

GROUP: 6B Engine Cooling

DATE: August, 1991

NUMBER: 166202


1982 - 1991, ALL MODELS

As announced in a previous bulletin, Corporate # 930107 (GMC # 90-0A-39), General Motors is conducting an evaluation to determine the efficiency of various engirie coolant recycling processes. The objective of the evaluation is to provide recommendation(s) to our dealers on which process(es) meets General Motors coolant specifications. Included will be both on-site equipment and off-site facility evaluations.

Due to the complexity and number of tests which are being conducted to properly evaluate each recycling process, the evaluation completion date has been delayed from spring 1991 to (mid-late) fall 1991. While General Motors realizes that these results would be helpful prior to the busy cooling service season, the integrity of the evaluation would be compromised it altered to provide the results sooner.

Presently, it is essential that recycled engine coolant not be used in any General Motors products as communicated in previous bulletins.