Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Return Reimbursement

The following qualify for dealer reimbursement:

1. Administrative Allowances

A range from 0.0 to 0.3 hours can be claimed for each line involving the return of parts and copies of R.O.'s including technician comments. The time requested for reimbursement depends on the complexity of the request as determined by the dealer.

A range from 0.0 to 0.2 hours can be claimed for each line where only the requested repair order copies are returned, again as determined by the dealer.

This reduction in Administrative Allowances is being made because you will no longer need to call for pickup of parts for shipping, postage is pre-paid, and less administration is needed for program.

2. Shipping Expenses

There will be no dealer-incurred postage or shipping costs associated with the UPS pickup. In the rare cases where UPS is unable to pickup parts due to size or weight limitations and another carrier is used, submit your postage and/or shipping expenses as a Net Item via your Z7200 claim.

3. Packaging Material Costs, where applicable Packaging material costs are to be calculated and billed at a cost for unskilled labor, and not at the dealer's warranty or retail labor rate.

4. GMSPO Core Part Allowance Amounts, where applicable.

Method of Reimbursement

Up to ten parts return requests may be recorded on one R.O. for return reimbursement. R.O. entries must include the VIN, request number, number of parts returned, and associated costs. Submit a claim using the normal submission procedure and Labor Operation Z72OO with claim type "F". All related documentation, including the return request, must be retained for future reference in accordance with the GM Service Policies & Procedures Manual, Article 1.6.

Dealer/Retailer Feed back

The WPC recognizes the need to provide information regarding our progress and accomplishments in product improvements as a direct result of the Corporate Parts Return program. Information gathered by WPC will be provided to dealers.