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Chevrolet Full Floating Axle


Before checking wheel bearing adjustment, make sure brakes are fully released and do not drag. Check bearing play by grasping tire at top and pulling back and forth or by using a pry bar under tire. If bearings are properly adjusted, movement of brake drum in relation to brake flange plate will be barely noticeable and wheel will turn freely. If movement is excessive, adjust bearings as follows:
1. Raise vehicle until wheel is free to rotate, then remove axle shaft.
2. Disengage retainer tang and remove retainer from axle housing tube.
3. Torque adjusting nut to 50 ft. lbs. while rotating hub assembly. Ensure bearing cones are seated and in contact with spindle shoulder.
4. Back off adjusting nut until just loose.
5. Insert key into adjusting nut slot, if equipped. Install snap ring to retain key in position.
6. Lower vehicle, then install axle shaft.