Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Technician Safety Information

1. Always wear appropriate eye protection.
2. Use caution when working near the catalytic converter.
Temperatures within the converter can exceed 1000 degrees F.
3. Ignition systems present a shock hazard; exercise care when
performing spark test and always use non-conductive ignition wire pliers.
4. When servicing the fuel system use the following precautions:
a. Put a "CAUTION FLAMMABLE" sign in the workshop.
b. Be sure shop is supplied with an adequate fire extinguisher. A "Class B" fire extinguisher is recommended.
c. Be sure to disconnect battery ground cable before any service work
is done.
d. Use a suitable container to catch any fuel that may leak from system
during service.
e. Always relieve fuel system pressure before disconnecting any lines.
f. If the key must be turned on while servicing fuel system, always
disconnect or disable ignition, to ensure no sparks occur near fuel vapors.