Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Warner T-5 (77MM) 5 Speed

Fig. 1 (1 of 2):

Fig. 1 (2 of 2):

1. Coat countershaft front bearing, Fig. 1, using suitable sealant. Using arbor press install countershaft front bearing flush with case.
2. Lubricate countershaft tabbed thrust washer and install so tab engages proper depression in case.
3. Tip transmission case on end and install countershaft in front bearing bore, then install countershaft rear bearing spacer.
4. Lubricate rear bearing, using bearing installers tool No. J-29895 and No. J-33032 or equivalent, install bearing so it extends 3mm (0.125 inch) beyond case surface. Proper tool must be used to prevent needles from catching on countershaft shoulder.
5. Position reverse idler gear in case with shift lever groove facing rear of case and install reverse idler shaft from rear of case. Install retaining roll pin in shaft.
6. Install output shaft assembly in case.
7. Using bearing installer tool No. J-2995 or equivalent and arbor press, install front clutch shaft bearing on clutch shaft, then lubricate pilot roller bearings and install in clutch shaft.
8. Install thrust bearing and race in clutch shaft, then install rear output shaft bearing race cap.
9. Install 4th gear blocking ring on output shaft, then install clutch shaft in case and engage in 3rd-4th synchronizer sleeve and blocking ring.
10. Using bearing installer tool No. J-26625 or equivalent, install new oil seal in front bearing cap.
11. Install front bearing race in cap and temporarily install front bearing cap.
12. Coat pivot bolt threads with sealer, then install 5th speed-reverse lever, pivot bolt and retaining C-clip. Engage reverse lever fork in reverse idler gear.
13. Install 5th speed driven gear and retaining snap ring on rear of output shaft, then install countershaft rear bearing spacer and retaining snap ring.
14. Install 5th speed gear on countershaft, then insert 5th speed-reverse rail through opening in rear of case and install in reverse 5th speed lever, turning rail during installation to facilitate engagement with lever.
15. Install 5th speed-reverse lever over center spring, then assemble 5th gear synchronizer sleeve, insert springs and insert retainer using assembly reference marks.
16. Install plastic inserts in notches on either side of 5th speed shift fork, then put assembled 5th gear synchronizer sleeve on 5th speed shift fork and slide onto countershaft and 5th speed-reverse rail, making sure roll pin holes in 5th speed shift fork are aligned.
17. Placing assembled 5th speed-reverse rail and shift fork on block of wood, Install retaining roll pin, then install thrust race against 5th speed synchronizer hub and install retaining snap ring.
18. Lubricate needle type thrust bearing and thrust race and install bearing against race on countershaft.
19. Install thrust race over thrust bearing and insert plastic funnel into hole in end of countershaft gear.
20. Install adapter housing temporarily without sealing or torquing bolts, then turn transmission case on end and mount dial indicator on adapter housing with stylus on end of output shaft.
21. Turn clutch and output shaft to zero dial indicator, then pull upward on out put shaft until endplay is eliminated. To completely eliminate endplay, bearings must be preloaded from 0.03-0.13mm (0.001-0.005 inch).
22. Select shim pack measuring 0.001-0.005 inch thicker than measured endplay and placing transmission horizontally on workbench, remove front bearing cap and race, then add shim to bearing cap and install clutch shaft bearing race cap.
23. Apply suitable sealant on case mating surface of front bearing cap, then align assembly reference marks and install front bearing cap, torquing retaining bolts to 15 ft. lbs.
24. Recheck endplay to make sure there is no endplay.
25. Remove adapter housing, using seal installer tool No. J-29184 or equivalent, install adapter housing rear seal.
26. Move shift forks on transmission cover and synchronizer rings inside transmission to neutral position.
27. Apply suitable sealant to cover mating surface of transmission and lower cover assembly onto case, aligning shift forks and synchronizer sleeves, then center cover on case to engage reverse relay lever and install dowel bolts in cover.
28. Install remaining bolts and torque all cover bolts to 9 ft. lbs. Offset lever-to-shift rail roll pin hole should be in a vertical position after completion of steps 26 through 28.
29. Apply suitable sealant to adapter housing-to-transmission case mating surface and install adapter housing over output shaft and shift rail so that shift rail just enters shift cover opening.
30. Install detent spring into offset lever and place ball in neutral guide plate detent. Applying pressure on ball with detent spring and offset lever, slide offset lever on shift rail and seat adapter housing against transmission case so that the offset lever and shift rail roll pin holes are aligned and in a vertical position.
31. Install and torque adapter housing retaining bolts to 25 ft. lbs.
32. Install roll pin in offset lever and shift rail, then install damper sleeve in offset lever.
33. Coat back-up lamp switch threads with suitable sealant and install switch in case.