Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Oil Pump Cover Disassemble

1. Disassemble converter clutch apply valve train, as follows:

a. Compress converter clutch apply valve spring with a screwdriver.

b. Remove retaining ring, then slowly release spring tension.

c. Remove stop valve, converter clutch apply valve and two converter clutch valve springs.

2. Remove pressure relief ball.

3. Disassemble pressure regulator assembly in the same manner as converter clutch apply valve train.

4. Inspect pressure regulator valve assembly and converter clutch apply valve assembly for chips, burrs, distortion, plugged oil passage and free movement in bore.

5. Inspect pressure relief assembly for damage or distortion.

6. Inspect pump cover and pump body for worn or damaged bushings, porosity, foreign material or debris, ring groove damage, cross channel leaks and scored or irregular mating surfaces.

7. Inspect rotor and slide for cracks.

8. Inspect oil seal assembly for damage or wear.

9. Measure oil pump rotor and oil pump slide thickness as shown. If thickness is not as specified, replace as required. Measurement of rotor/ slide should be made on undamaged surfaces.