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Transmission Endplay Check

1. Remove oil pump to case attaching bolt, then install an 11 inch bolt and locknut.

2. Install endplay checking fixture adapter tool No. J-25022-A, or equivalent, as shown.

3. Install oil pump remover and end play checking fixture tool No. J-24773-A, or equivalent, as shown in, then attach a suitable dial indicator.

4. Zero dial indicator, then pull up on checking fixture. Endplay should be 0.005-0.036 inch. If dial indicator shows no endplay, then selective washer and thrust bearing have been improperly assembled.

5. If endplay is not as specified, select the correct washer from chart. The selective washer which controls end play is located between input housing and thrust bearing on oil pump hub.

6. Install O-ring seal into groove in end of turbine shaft. There should be clearance between the reverse input clutch and reaction sun gear shell. Do not try to shim internal parts because of this clearance.