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Thrust Block Clearance Adjustment

1. Left thrust washer to the differential.
2. Cam unit to the differential.
3. Right side gear thrust washer to the differential.
4. Clutch plates with guide clips to the differential.

- Assemble alternately.
5. Right side gear to the differential.
6. Pinion shaft and lock screw. Insert a large tapered tool, like a screwdriver, firmly between each side gear and the pinion shaft.
7. A 1-2 inch telescoping gage between the side gear faces, not the gear teeth.


1. Measure the side gear spread.
2. Remove the telescoping gage.
3. Measure the telescoping gage with a micrometer.

4. Measure the original thrust block at the outer corner with a micrometer.

- If the thrust block thickness is not 0.000 to 0.1524 mm (0.000 to 0.006 inch) less than the side gear spread, adjust the clearance by:
A. Selecting a new thrust block the correct size to obtain 0.000 to 0.1524 mm (0.000 to 0.006 inch) clearance.
B. Reshimming the right and/or left clutch plates. The backlash must be rechecked and adjusted to specification if necessary.