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Service Procedure

1. If you are involved with this procedure, you have a damaged door side of the hinge and it will be necessary to separate the door from the body side of the damaged hinge. Cut the hinge pin into three sections using a 1/32" cut off wheel on a die grinder. The two cuts should be made between the hinge pin bushings in the center ear of the body side of the hinge and the top and bottom ears of the door side of the hinge.

Care should be taken not to damage the center ear (body side) of the hinge because it is not serviceable.

2. The remaining hinge pin on the undamaged hinge should be removed using the procedure outlined in GM Service Bulletin No. 36-10-14A.

Failure to follow the procedure outlined in GM Service Bulletin 36-10-14A may result in damage to the hinge.

3. Once the door is removed from the vehicle, the hinge pin must be removed from the center ear of the damaged hinge. Utilize the drills included with Kent Moore tool # J 41226 to drill out the hinge pin and bushings. Center punch the center of the hinge pin and then use J 41226-11 (small drill), J 41226-12 (medium drill), and J 41226-10 (large drill) to drill out the pin and bushings. Care should be taken not to damage the center ear of the hinge.

4. Install new hinge pin bushings as illustrated in view A of Figure 1.

5. Remove the lower interior trim panel from the door.

6. Locate the factory welds by using 400 grit sand paper and the service hinge backing plate as a sanding block. Lightly sand that attaching face of the hinge until the puddles of the spot welds become visible. Use a center punch to mark these locations for future reference.

7. Cut out the appropriate template (see Figure 2) and position it on the hinge as indicated. Center punch the location points of the bolt on fasteners.

8. Drill the center points of the bolt on fasteners using a 1/8 inch (3 mm) drill. Drill completely through the hinge, inner door panel sheet metal, and the interior hinge reinforcement sheet metal for future reference.

9. Drill the center points of the spot weld locations using a 1/8 inch (3 mm) drill only as deep as the hinge material thickness. Do not drill these holes through the inner door panel sheet metal.

10. Drill the center points of the spot welds using a 1/2 inch (13 mm) drill. It will be necessary to drill until the tip of the drill penetrates the door sheet metal to allow a full 1/2 inch (13 mm) diameter of material to be removed from the hinge.

11. Use a chisel to separate the hinge from the door if necessary. Care should be taken to minimize damage to the door.

12. Drill the bolt on fastener locations identified in step 8 using a 1/2 inch (13 mm) drill through the inner door sheet metal and hinge reinforcement sheet metal.

13. Prepare the door surface to insure the hinge area is flat and free of burrs.

14. Coat the mating surface of the hinge with a medium body sealer.

15. Attach the hinge to the door using the bolts and backing plate provided in the service hinge kit (see Figure 3). Snug the tour fastener bolts, but do not tighten at this point.

16. Install the door on the body by tapping in the new hinge pins in three fourths of their total length to hold the door in position.

17. Align the door as necessary.

18. Tighten the hinge fastener bolts to 25 N.m (18 lb ft).

19. Install J 41226-4 protective template to the upper hinge.

20. Install J 41226-1 drill fixture with J 41226-3 large bushing onto the hinge assembly and position the lower screw into the hinge and tighten the screw to secure the fixture.

J 41226-1 fixture and J 41226-3 bushing will act as a guide to finish installation of the hinge pins when using J 41226-21 and an air driver hammer.

21. Using the air hammer and J 41226-21, install the hinge pin until the hinge pin bottoms on the upper hinge body.

22. Repeat steps 19 through 21 on the lower hinge.

23. Verity final fit and adjust if necessary.

24. Clean off any excessive body sealer applied in step 14.

Refinish the hinge using the paint system utilized at your dealership.