RKE - Information on Reduced Range/Operation
File In Section: 9 - AccessoriesBulletin No.: 86-90-06
Date: October, 1998
Reduced Range/Operation of Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)
1997-99 Chevrolet and GMC G Van, M/L, C/K Suburban and Utility Models
When some owners of the above vehicles activate the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE), there may be a reduced range/operation of their RKE transmitters. This may be attributed to the location of the keyless receiver in the vehicle.
Also, in some cases where the transmitter commands a double press of a button (i.e. "All Door Unlock" or "Rear Unlock/Hatch Release"), if the owner presses the button too rapidly in succession, the doors may not unlock.
Because of the "rolling code" security algorithm, the receiver may require up to 1/2 of a second between button presses. Because of this, advise the owner to pause about one second between double pressing a button.
Also, if an owner is unable to unlock the doors using the transmitter when approaching the vehicle from the rear, advise the owner to hold the transmitter higher so that the signal passes through the rear glass. Also, approaching the vehicle from the side using the transmitter may help to unlock the doors.