Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


^ If the ignition is ON but the radio is OFF, the tape will begin playing. A tape symbol, and tape direction arrows, appear in the center of the graphic display whenever a tape is playing.
^ Tapes are end-loaded into these players. Insert the tape squarely through the door, exposed tape side of the cassette facing the right.
^ When the tape is fully inserted, the AM/FM portion of the radio will turn OFF and the tape will begin playing.
^ The tape player works best with tapes that are 30-45 minutes long on each side. Longer tapes may not work well in the cassette player because the tapes are thin.
^ The player automatically senses the tape cartridge for metal or CR02 tape media and presets the pre-emphasis.
For metal tapes, a metal tape indicator displays
^ Any time a tape is playing, use the volume, balance, fade, treble, and bass just as with the radio.
An arrow indicates which side of the tape is being played.

^ Press the SEEK or the PREV pushbuttons in order to search for the previous selection. The tape direction arrow blinks during SEEK operation.
^ A minimum 3 second blank gap is required for proper operation.
^ Audio is muted during SEEK.

Press the PROG push button in order to play the other side of a tape.
The tape direction will reverse.

Press the SEEK or NEXT push buttons in order to search for the next selection.
Hold this pushbutton, or press the pushbutton more than once, in order to advance the tape further. NEXT appears in the display. Audio is muted during NEXT.

Press REV in order to rewind the tape. The tape will rapidly reverse to the beginning of the cassette or until you press the REV push-button a second time. The radio will play the last selected station during the REV operation.

Press the Dolby pushbutton in order to reduce inherent tape noise such as hiss. The Dolby(R) symbol will appear in the display.

Press FWD in order to fast-forward the tape. The tape will rapidly advance to the end of the tape or until you press the FWD push-button again.
The radio will play the last selected station during the FWD operation.

Press the AM/FM push buttons after inserting a tape in order to switch between tape and radio. The radio will play.
In order to return to tape, press TAPE AUX. The display will show the proper tape direction indicator. The UPO, press the tape AUX button a second time to switch to the remote CD player.

In order to remove the tape, press EJECT. EJECT may be activated with either the ignition or the radio OFF.
The radio will play upon ejection of the cassettes if the radio is on. The cassettes may be loaded if the radio OFF.

UNO/UL0 models have an indicator that appears approximately every 50 hours of operation, as a reminder that the capstan and the pinch roller need to be cleaned. Refer to Tape Player and Cassette Care.