Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Ignition Coil(s) Not Operating Properly

J 39200 Digital Multimeter

1. Turn OFF the ignition switch.
2. Remove the engine cover.
3. Disconnect the distributor lead and wiring from the ignition coil.

NOTE: Do not insert the J 39200 digital multimeter probe into the ignition coil connectors. The female terminals could be deformed, resulting in intermittent operation. Only make contact with the front edge of the terminals.

4. Connect an ohmmeter as shown.
^ Use the high scale.
^ If the reading is not infinite, replace the coil.

5. Connect an ohmmeter as shown.
^ Use the low scale.
^ The reading should be 0.1 ohms. If not, replace the coil.

6. Connect an ohmmeter as shown.
^ Use the high scale.
^ If the reading is not 5-25k ohms, replace the coil.

7. Reconnect the distributor lead and wiring to the coil.
8. Install the engine cover.