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Piston Pin, Engine

Use a micrometer to measure the new piston pin outside diameter in both directions at three different positions. Measure the inside diameter of the connecting rod small end. If the fitting interference between the small end and pin does not conform to the specified value, the connecting rod must be replaced.

Standard 0.023 mm - 0.038 mm (0.0009 inch - 0.0015 inch)

Insert the new pin into the piston and rotate it. If the pin rotates smoothly with no backlash, the clearance is normal. If there is backlash or roughness, measure the clearance. If the clearance exceeds the specified limit, the piston must be replaced.

Standard 0.010 mm - 0.017 mm (0.0004 inch - 0.0007 inch)
Limit 0.040 mm (0.0016 inch)