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Auxiliary Input Sound Is Low Or Cannot Be Heard (EX And SC Models)

Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting - Auxiliary input sound is low or cannot be heard

Auxiliary input sound is low or cannot be heard


- Check the vehicle battery condition first Testing and Inspection.
- Check the connectors for poor connections or loose terminals.
- Use auxiliary stereo cables with 3.5 mm ends only.
- Auxiliary accessories may be played on the audio unit using the auxiliary input.

1. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).

2. Turn on the audio system and connect an auxiliary accessory to the auxiliary input jack.

3. Check the volume operation.

Is the sound normal?


Operation is normal at this time.�

NO -

Go to step 4.

4. Make sure the auxiliary accessory volume is set to high.

Is the volume set to high?


Go to step 5.

NO -

Raise the auxiliary accessory volume to high. Make sure the audio system volume is turned down before rechecking.�

5. Substitute a known-good auxiliary audio accessory and/or auxiliary stereo cable, and recheck.

Does the auxiliary audio accessory operate properly?


Original auxiliary audio accessory or auxiliary stereo cable is faulty.�

NO -

Go to step 6.

6. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).

7. Remove the auxiliary jack assembly Auxiliary Jack Assembly Replacement (EX And SC), and check that the auxiliary jack assembly is properly connected.

Is the auxiliary jack assembly connected properly?


- With navigation: Go to step 8.
- Without navigation: Go to step 13.

NO -

Reconnect the connector, and recheck the function.�

8. Disconnect the auxiliary jack assembly 5P connector.

9. Disconnect audio-navigation unit connector B (24P).

10. Check for continuity between body ground and audio-navigation unit connector B (24P) according to the table.

Is there continuity?


There is a short to body ground in the wire(s) between the audio-navigation unit and the auxiliary jack assembly. Replace the affected shielded harness.�

NO -

Go to step 11.

11. Check for continuity between the terminals of audio-navigation unit connector B (24P) according to the table.

Is there continuity?


There is a short in the wire(s) between the audio-navigation unit and the auxiliary jack assembly. Replace the affected shielded harness.�

NO -

Go to step 12.

12. Check for continuity between audio-navigation unit connector B (24P) and the auxiliary jack assembly 5P connector according to the table.

Is there continuity?


Substitute a known-good auxiliary jack assembly Auxiliary Jack Assembly Replacement (EX And SC), and recheck. If the symptom/indication goes away, replace the original auxiliary jack assembly Auxiliary Jack Assembly Replacement (EX And SC). If the symptom/indication is still present, replace the audio-navigation unit Audio-Navigation Unit Removal/Installation (With Navigation).�

NO -

There is an open in the wire(s) between the audio-navigation unit and the auxiliary jack assembly. Replace the affected shielded harness.�

13. Disconnect the auxiliary jack assembly 5P connector.

14. Disconnect audio unit connector C (6P).

15. Check for continuity between body ground and audio unit connector C (6P) according to the table.

Is there continuity?


There is a short to body ground in the wire(s) between the audio unit and the auxiliary jack assembly. Replace the affected shielded harness.�

NO -

Go to step 16.

16. Check for continuity between the terminals of audio unit connector C (6P) according to the table.

Is there continuity?


There is a short in the wire(s) between the audio unit and the auxiliary jack assembly. Replace the affected shielded harness.�

NO -

Go to step 17.

17. Check for continuity between audio unit connector C (6P) and the auxiliary jack assembly 5P connector according to the table.

Is there continuity?


Substitute a known-good auxiliary jack assembly Auxiliary Jack Assembly Replacement (EX And SC), and recheck. If the symptom/indication goes away, replace the original auxiliary jack assembly Auxiliary Jack Assembly Replacement (EX And SC). If the symptom/indication is still present, replace the audio unit Audio Unit Removal/Installation (Without Navigation).�

NO -

There is an open in the wire(s) between the audio unit and the auxiliary jack assembly. Replace affected shielded harness.�