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Passenger's Dashboard Upper Panel And Dashboard Tray Cover Removal/Installation

Passenger's Dashboard Upper Panel and Dashboard Tray Cover Removal/Installation

Special Tools Required

- KTC Trim Tool Set SOJATP2014


- Take care not to scratch the dashboard or the related parts.
- Use the appropriate tool from the KTC trim tool set to avoid damage when removing components.

1. Remove the passenger's dashboard side panel (A).

1. Open the front door.

2. Gently pry the edge of the panel to release the hooks (B).

2. Remove the dashboard upper panel (A).

1. Remove the screws.

2. Gently pull out on the panel to detach the clips and release the hook (B).

3. Remove the dashboard tray cover (A).

1. Remove the screws.

2. Gently pull out on the cover to release the hooks (B).

4. Install the panel and the cover in the reverse order of removal, and push the clips and the hooks into place securely.