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Parking Brake System: Adjustments

Parking Brake Inspection and Adjustment


1. Pull the parking brake lever (A) with 196 N (20 kgf, 44 lbf) of force to fully apply the parking brake. The parking brake lever should be locked within the specified number of clicks (B).

NOTE: The illustration shows all except SC model.

2. If the number of lever clicks is not as specified, adjust the parking brake.

NOTE: Minor parking brake adjustments (1 to 2 clicks) can be made with the adjusting nut (see parking brake minor adjustment). If a larger adjustment is required, follow the major adjustment procedure using the adjuster at the parking brake drum (see parking brake major adjustment).
After installing new parking brake shoes and/or new brake disc/drum, make sure you drive the vehicle for "break-in" Procedures.

Minor Adjustment

1. Raise and support the vehicle Service and Repair.

2. Release the parking brake lever fully.

3. Except SC model: Remove the center console Center Console Removal/Installation (Except SC Models).
SC model: Remove the lid (A) from the center console.

Except SC model

SC model

4. Pull the parking brake lever 1 click.

5. Tighten the adjusting nut (B) until the parking brakes drag slightly when the rear wheels are turned.

6. Release the parking brake lever fully, and check that the parking brakes do not drag when the rear wheels are turned. Readjust if necessary.

7. Make sure the parking brakes are fully applied when the parking brake lever is pulled in all the way.

8. Except SC model: Install the center console Center Console Removal/Installation (Except SC Models).
SC model: Install the lid to the center console.

Major Adjustment (to be done when replacing parking brake shoes and after lining surface break-in)

1. Raise and support the vehicles Service and Repair.

2. Release the parking brake lever fully.

3. Except SC model: Remove the center console Center Console Removal/Installation (Except SC Models).
SC model: Remove the lid (A) from the center console.

Except SC model

SC model

4. Loosen the adjusting nut (B).

5. Remove the rear wheels.

6. Remove the access plug (A).

7. Turn the ratchet teeth on the adjuster nut (B) with a flat-tip screwdriver (C) until the shoes lock against the parking brake drum. Then back off the adjuster 8 clicks, and install the access plug.

8. Clean the mating surfaces between the brake disc/drum and the inside of the wheel, then install the rear wheels.

9. Do the minor adjustment procedure.

10. Except SC model: Install the center console Center Console Removal/Installation (Except SC Models).
SC model: Install the lid to the center console.