Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Delayed Engagement After Shifting From N To D, Or Excessive Shock When Shifted Into D

Delayed engagement after shifting from N to D, or excessive shock when shifted into D

Worn or damaged engine or transmission mounts

Shift solenoid valve E defective

A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve A defective

A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve B defective

A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C defective

Shift cable broken or out of adjustment

Connection between the shift cable and transmission or body is worn

Input shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor defective

Output shaft (countershaft) speed sensor defective

ATF temperature sensor defective

Foreign material in separator plate orifice

Servo control valve defective

1st accumulator defective

1st check ball stuck

Lock-up shift valve defective

1st clutch defective


Check the engine and transmission mounts.


Inspect shift solenoid valve E for seizure, and the O-rings for wear and damage.


Inspect the A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve filter/gasket and the O-rings for wear and damage, and inspect the solenoid valves for seizure.


Check the input shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor and the output shaft (countershaft) speed sensor installation.


Check for a loose shift cable at the shift lever and the selector control lever.


Check the 1st clutch pressure A/T Pressure Test.


Inspect the clutch piston, the clutch piston check valve, and the O-rings. Check the spring retainer and the retainer seal for wear, damage, and peeling. Inspect the clearance between the clutch end-plate and the top disc. If the clearance is out of tolerance, inspect the clutch discs and the plates for wear and damage. If the discs are worn or damaged, replace them as a set. Inspect the clutch wave-plate height. If the height is out of tolerance, replace the wave-plate. If the discs and the plates are OK, adjust the clearance with the clutch end-plate.


Check for a clogged orifice in the separator plate. If the orifice is clogged, remove it and clean the separator plate orifice.


Check the servo control valve in the main valve body for free movement, and check the servo control valve spring for wear and damage.


Inspect the 1st clutch feed pipe. If the 1st clutch feed pipe is scored, replace the end cover.


Replace the secondary shaft if the bushing for the 1st clutch feed pipe is loose or damaged.


Check the 1st accumulator piston, the O-ring, and the springs in the regulator valve body for wear and damage.


Check the lock-up shift valve in the regulator valve body for free movement, and check the lock-up shift valve spring for wear and damage.