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Power Locks: Description and Operation

Battery voltage is supplied to the door lock and unlock relay at all times from fuse 26. There is a metal rod that links the left front door lock/unlock switch and the left front door lock actuator. When the left front door lock/unlock switch is pushed to lock, the metal rod then pushes the actuator switch in the left front door lock actuator to the lock position.

The ETACM receives the lock input signal and then supplies power to the left( right rear doors, tail gate lock actuator and right front door lock actuator.

Each actuator is grounded through a limit switch in the appropriate door lock actuator. The ETACM will de-energize the relay coil when the limit switches in the door lock actuators move to the unlock position. The door lock works similarly when the left front door lock switch is pushed to unlock, except that the electrical current goes through each actuator in the opposite direction.